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This week at Orwell - 29th June 2023

Thursday 29th June 2023

Hi there and welcome to This Week at Orwell. Here is a recap of news stories around the Orwell community this last week.

Check out our GlassDoor page!

If you have ever wanted to know what it was like to work for Orwell, be sure to check out our page on GlassDoor. Here you'll find reviews from real Orwell colleagues and applicants and so is a great resource for anyone currently looking for work in the local area.

Click here for more info >>

Orwell Gardening Competition 2023

A reminder that our Gardening competition is back for 2023 and launches on Saturday!

To recap, we have different categories, so whether your garden is a balcony with a few plants and foliage or a small or large garden, it’s perfect for anyone to enter. This year's categories are:

Use of small spaces/Indoor garden (Plant pots / Indoor Outdoor / Patio areas
Sustainable garden (Veg, fruit, water butt, wildlife friendly)
Community garden (Any shared spaces)
Your happy space (A space within your garden or communal area that brings you joy)
All-round garden (Any other garden type not listed)

Keep an eye on our social media channels at 9am on Saturday 1st July.


Estate Services Scrutiny is on it's way

Our Orwell Resident's Group evaluates different Orwell services every year and have chosen to review our Estate Services for our summer project. This was previously undertaken in 2018 which led to some positive changes around our sustainability (from battery powered machines to changing to greener fuel); reducing our overall service charge for our customers and increasing the percentage of green waste that we recycle.

All customers who have an estate service(s) provided by Orwell will receive a survey soon. This will be in the form of an email or text (depending on the contact preference we hold for you).

Feedback on our new format

We would love to hear your feedback on this format and if you have anything you would like to share with us, please contact us at

Have a great week! 

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