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Orwell Housing Association approved for the Bronze Level of Suffolk Carbon Charter

Posted by: | 24th December 2024
Wendy Evans Hendrick And Steven Crissal Holding The Bronze Accreditation Certificate

Orwell Housing Association, a local provider of care, support, housing management, property development and estate services, has been approved for the Bronze Level Suffolk Carbon Charter Accreditation.

The Carbon Charter is awarded to organisations that are actively monitoring and reducing their carbon emissions. The Charter is intended to provide public recognition of this vital step to Suffolk’s shared goals of creating the greenest county.

The Carbon Charter Panel was impressed with Orwell’s numerous actions taken to reduce carbon emission such as installing air source heat pumps in new builds and taking on an 100% renewable tariff for their care schemes and offices.


Commenting on the award, Steven Crissal Assistant Director of Property Services at Orwell Housing Association, said:

“This is a great achievement for Orwell, it shows that we are working steadily towards our country’s net zero targets and our efforts are being noticed.”

“We plan to continue making changes to our services and developments which includes improving our EPC ratings, reducing our water and energy usage. We are also assessing the usage of energy efficient appliances and have implemented the use of Lightfoot in our company fleet. Lightfoot assists us in reducing the overall fuel consumption of our vehicles.”

“We have strong core values to be people-focused, ambitious, collaborative and effective, and we promote our ethos of ‘Making a difference’. We aim to embed this into our business and practices which highlights our dedication to help making Orwell greener and Suffolk the greenest county.”

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