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Condensation, Damp and Mould

This section explains how dampness caused by too much condensation can lead to mould growth and how we can work together to keep it under control.

04 Mould

All homes are at risk of condensation, particularly through the winter months. Excess condensation in your home can lead to problems such as mould growth, which can affect your health and the health of your home. Small amounts of condensation are not usually a problem, and there are some everyday things we can all do to help prevent it.

This webpage and our corresponding leaflet are designed to share some practical advice that will help you manage condensation and maintain a healthy home. We’ll also share information on the different types of damp so that you can identify any potential concerns and how to let us know if there is a problem.

As your landlord, it’s our responsibility to provide you with a safe and healthy home. If you spot any damp or mould in your home or if by following these tips, excess condensation is not reduced, please let us know straight away.

  • We will arrange an inspection to identify the cause of any issues you are experiencing and work together to ensure any risks, hazards or problems are resolved as a priority.
  • If you have any questions about this leaflet or would like further advice about keeping a healthy and safe home, get in touch with us so that we can support you.
Healthy Home Top Tips
  • The best way to prevent condensation is to reduce the amount of moisture produced in your home and keep it as warm and ventilated as possible. Here are some Healthy Home Top Tips to help you do this.
  • Keeping your home heated helps to prevent condensation from forming on surfaces. We understand that with the rise in energy prices, keeping your home heated may be more difficult. For help with your energy bills, head to page 10. (Portable gas or paraffin heaters can create moisture, so they should be avoided.)
  • If you can, setting your thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature (recommended between 18 – 21°C) will help to keep you and your home healthy while keeping your energy bills down. For help with your energy bills, head to page 10.
  • Opening windows when cooking, showering, bathing and drying clothes helps moist air escape.
  • Tumble dryers should be vented to the outside, as they are a major cause of moisture in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Turning your extractor fan on when cooking, showering and bathing removes excess moisture from the air.
  • Drying clothes releases moisture, so if you have access to outside space, drying clothes outdoors helps to prevent excess moisture in your home. When using a drying rack indoors, opening a window slightly or turning on your extractor fan helps to remove excess moisture.
  • Closing internal doors and using a draught excluder reduces the amount of heat moving into colder areas of your home. This helps keep the heat in the rooms you use most often, making them feel more comfortable.
  • Moving sofas and other furniture away from radiators or heaters helps the heat to travel more effectively around the rooms in your home.
  • Wipe down windows and sills every morning, wringing out the cloth rather than drying it on a radiator. Condensation sponge strips on windows will collect the condensation and avoid damp forming under window sills. These items are available from most good Do-it-Yourself shops.
  • Putting lids on pans when cooking prevents excess moisture in the air (and helps save on your energy bill!)
Identifying and reporting damp and mould

If you identify damp and mould in your home, please report to us as soon as possible. You can contact us in the following ways:

Report Damp and Mould Form


If you have informed us of the problem and we have not resolved the issue to your satisfaction, please escalate the issue using our complaints process.

You can find the full complaints policy and procedure detailed on our website.



You can view and download our helpful leaflet below. You can flip through the document on screen or download to view at a later time.

Orwell Housing Association's damp and mould self-assessment

We undertook a damp and mould self-assessment in line with the Housing Ombudsman’s recommendations to social landlords. Our Customer Insight Committee approved this document and its contents in September.  

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