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Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023/2024

Tenant Satisfaction Measures
In response to our TSM results, Claire spoke with our Director of Customers and Communities, Tony Long in detail about the results. The full video is below if you would like to watch.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

These figures are collected from 1st April each year and are updated on a quarterly basis. 


Satisfied with the service provided by Orwell


Satisfied with the repairs service


Satisfied with the time taken to complete your most recent repair


Satisfied with how well your home is maintained


Satisfied that your home is safe


Satisfied we listen to your views and act upon them


Satisfied that we keep you informed about things that matter


Satisfied that we treat you fairly and with respect


Satisfied with our approach to complaints


Satisfied we keep communal areas clean and well maintained


Satisfied we make a positive contribution to your neighbourhood


Satisfied with how we handle anti-social behaviour

Management Information Measures 

These figures are collected from 1st April each year and are updated on an annual basis.

These measures only provide performance information for Low Cost Rental Accommodation (LCRA) dwellings (Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 - Explanatory Notes ( Therefore, results may differ from figures published elsewhere.

Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Complaints received per 1,000 homes

Stage 1 complaints received

Complaints received per 1,000 homes

Stage 2 complaints received

Stage 1 complaints responded to within set timescales

Stage 2 complaints responded to within set timescales

ASB cases opened per 1,000 homes

Anti social behaviour cases opened

ASB cases opened per 1,000 homes

Anti social behaviour cases opened that involve hate

0 %

Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard

Non emergency repairs completed

Emergency repairs completed

99.7 %

Gas safety checks carried out

100 %

Fire risk assessments carried out

100 %

Asbestos management surveys or reinspection's carried out

100 %

Legionella risk assessments carried out

100 %

Communal passenger lift safety checks carried out

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