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Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Learn more about our latest customer satisfaction and health & safety performance.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been designed by the Regulator for Social Housing to drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing by ensuring providers are accountable for the services they deliver.

There are 22 measures, 12 of these measures come directly from customer feedback surveys, 10 come from information we hold on our systems about our operational activity.

We have always valued the input of our customers and before the TSM framework was introduced, we regularly conducted surveys to understand how we could improve our performance and meet our customers’ needs. We have been collecting TSM data from the 1st of April 2023, and will continue to share our results with both the regulator and our customers.

Orwell employed an external agency called TLF to undertake the TSM survey on our behalf, calling a random sample of tenants on a quarterly basis throughout the year. Information about current and past performance is shown below.

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