Help with mortgage interest payments
If you are a homeowner, you may be eligible to get Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) to help towards interest payments on your mortgage or loans you have taken out for certain repairs and improvements to your home.
Visit the Gov.uk website here to see what support is available.
What is bedroom tax?
If you have a spare bedroom and you’re renting a council or housing association property, your Housing Benefit, or housing costs element of Universal Credit, might be reduced. This is often referred to as the ‘Bedroom Tax’ – or the ‘under-occupation penalty’ or ‘removal of the spare room subsidy’.
Preferential banding on Gateway to Homechoice
If you are in a specific situation you may be in a higher category (band) to help you move home through Gateway to Homechoice.
When filling out the application form, make sure you include all the relevant details. There may be something that could put you higher on the list. This could help in the long run to reduce the need for shortfall payments towards your rent, it would also benefit others who are in need of a larger property.