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Annual Report to Tenants 2021 - Improving our Services

01 Improving Our Services

  • 90 complaints received
  • Of the 90 complaints, 75 were resolved at stage 1, 15 were resolved at stage 2, 0 resolved at stage 3 and no complaints made it to the Housing Ombudsman.
  • You got in touch with us 175 times and we responded to 166 (94.86%) within the timescale specified in our complaints policy.


You said, we did.....
  • We installed key safes to communal areas to avoid delays with works.
  • Damp specialist report at initial stage to identify issues within the property.
  • We improved communication, verbally and written in various areas of the business and external contractors.
  • Improved monitoring procedure for large projects.
  • Improved communication and consultation for planned tree works.
  • Improved recording to evidence communication/actions in supported schemes.
  • Purchasing better quality materials from local suppliers rather that cheaper option on-line.
  • Improved communication and planning with Tenants in supported schemes.



The Orwell Residents Group are a performance review group, scrutinising service areas, and acting as a critical friend to influence the future of our services. We value their views and feedback and have continued to engage their services throughout 2021.

The group choose three topics they felt were important to all residents. We also asked them to review our current pet policy, planned works and to undertake a review of our policy on Safeguarding Children and Young People.

197 residents from across all our schemes got involved in 2021, with 27 recommendations being brought forward. Ten of those recommendations have been implemented and 4 required no further action. All further recommendations are being considered and will be implemented as appropriate.


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