Welcome to Orwell’s Annual Report 2021
A message from Wendy Evans-Hendrick, Chief Executive.
I hope you find the information in this years Annual Report to tenants useful and informative. Our aim is to provide you with the details you would like to see about our performance as your landlord. If there are any areas of the report that you feel we should provide more detail on or other performance targets you would like to see in future reports then please do let us know. We are committed to continuing to improve our service and value for money to our tenants and your feedback is an important part of helping us achieve this. The past couple of years have been a challenge for us all and we know at Orwell our services are still being affected by the pandemic both due to staff sickness and vacant staff posts. We are working hard to get our services back up to the speed they should be operating at and thank you for your patience with us when things may have taken longer than normal to get completed.
Our Customer Engagement Team are keen to increase the number of engaged tenants so please get in touch if you would like to be part of one of our customer panels and help improve our services to you.
If you would like more information, please contact us on 0345 60 100 30 or send your details to the Involvement team by email at tenantinvolvement@orwell-housing.co.uk
Wendy Evans-Hendrick, CEO.
Message from Kim Newman Chair of Orwell’s Board
Looking back on the last year, 2021 saw the ongoing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and further lockdowns impacting on both Orwell and our residents. Despite those impacts, restrictions and challenges I am very proud of the progress we have been able to make in relation to our strategic plan and the commitment and hard work of ‘Team Orwell’ has again shone through.
Our work with residents in relation to Tenant Involvement and Empowerment also continued to make excellent progress with the launch of our Customer Engagement and Tenancy Sustainment Strategy. Further Resident Scrutiny reviews have also been completed as well as co-creation events with Residents and we have successfully recruited two Resident Board Members to the Board. The Tenancy Sustainment Team have also had an excellent first year and delivered some excellent outcomes to enable residents to remain in their homes.
What our team have been able to achieve in 2021 is truly remarkable and we look forward to continuing this great work during 2022.
Beryl Latania Resident Steering Group member
I have been a member of the residents group since last December, so I am a relatively new member and thought I would tell you about my experience. From the beginning I have been made to feel very welcome by members and staff alike. We have looked at some Orwell policies. Most recently we discussed updating the pet policy, which I believe you will soon all be receiving a copy of, (if you haven’t already, by the time this is published). Presently, we are discussing the anti-social behaviour policy.
I enjoy being a member of the residents group. I think we are privileged to be able to contribute to some of the decision making. I have already learned so much about housing law and regulations, as well as Orwell policies. I would recommend thinking about joining us to anyone who wants to know how a housing association works. Whether you are really happy with how things are going, or feeling a little disgruntled, do something positive, and know your voice will be heard. I look forward to meeting you.

Improving our Services
Find out how we handle complaints and scrutiny changes.

Investing in your Home
Figures available on how much we have spent improving your homes.

Supporting our Residents
This is where we write about investing in your home.

The Service you Receive
This is where we write about investing in your home.

Supporting our Communities
This is where we write about investing in your home.