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We understand that effective procurement is essential for the provision of quality services and delivering value for money.

As detailed within our procurement strategy, we are committed to including social value in all procurement activities. Environmental, social and economic consequence are equally important to us, and will be considered throughout our procurement processes. 




Thank you for visiting Orwell's procurement page. In line with our Procurement Strategy, all procurement related information will be contained with this section of our website.

Please note that in order to apply for any Orwell tender opportunities, you will need to be registered with our InTend supplier portal using the link below:

InTend Supplier Portal

There is no cost to do this.

The Procurement Act 2023

The Government website has published guidance designed to provide a high-level overview of the changes to the procurement regulations and aimed at those who have regular interactions with procurement.

Knowledge drops can be accessed here:

The Official Transforming Public Procurement Knowledge Drops - GOV.UK (

Knowledge Drops are designed to provide an overview of the Procurement Act 2023 for three audiences:

  • contracting authorities (with accompanying fact sheets that outline specific differences for Wales, Northern Ireland, utilities, light touch, defence and security, concessions and schools)
  • suppliers who deliver contracts to the UK public, utilities and defence sectors
  • small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs)

The Procurement Act is only the start of achieving great commercial outcomes for the public sector. The Procurement Act sets the framework, but it is outstanding commercial leadership and capable suppliers which will deliver those outcomes.  Contracting authorities need to take the necessary steps to ensure they are prepared and ready to utilise the Procurement Act to its full potential.

Supporting factsheets to accompany the official TPP Knowledge Drops to help build awareness and understanding regarding exemptions and the general regime can be accessed here:

TPP Knowledge Drop supporting factsheets - GOV.UK (

A short guide for suppliers has also been published and can be accessed here:

Information and guidance for suppliers

Public procurement is changing. On 24 February 2025, the rules that shape how public bodies buy goods and services will change.   The Procurement Act 2023 will introduce measures to improve and streamline the way procurement is done and benefit prospective suppliers of all sizes, particularly small businesses, start-ups and social enterprises.

If your business supplies goods, works or services to organisations in the public or utility sectors – or hopes to do so in the future – you need to know about the changes. This includes supplying to government Departments, the NHS, local authorities, universities, schools, social housing organisations, police and fire brigades and utility companies.

Key benefits for suppliers include more standardisation and streamlining of procurement processes - but there are also additional benefits in the Act such as requiring better oversight of procurement decisions and strengthening payment terms.

Information and guidance for suppliers - GOV.UK

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